Thursday, August 25, 2011

SITUATION: The apology post and all of the comments have been removed from the official site.

The most popular comment (27 likes so far) is below for your examination. Perhaps this suggestion for an inexpensive and reasonable solution does not sit well with some folk? The solution merely asks for-profit corporate reps to do their highly paid jobs and to begin to separate their undue influence on a non profit corporation  (SBFII)  that manages the largest Susan Boyle fansite.


1. Are Susan Boyle's corporate reps aware that SBFII was legally formed in the State of Delaware, USA on Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 4:42 PM
?  As a non profit to be managed by fans for fans?

From that date forward, Federal, State, Financial and ethical rules apply, like it or not!

2. Are Susan Boyle's corporate reps aware that some of their fandom friends are Board Members and/or Staff of SBFII?
That they placed devoted fans that are always happy to help out into ethically (and possibly legally) questionable positions?
That they involved them in the staging of segments for an upcoming documentary that is for corporate benefit/profit?
That they provided hotel accommodations and meal to at least one staff and 2 Board Members and possibly plane fare to one Board member ?
That their actions could place SBFII's non profit status in jeopardy? Surely, they don't intend to hurt the non profit corporation, which was set up by fans for fans?

3. Any Board or Staff at SBFII that want to accept these types of gifts or want to directly help the corporate reps with their for profit agenda just need to step down from their positions. They are in positions of authority and represent a non profit.  As members, they would be free to make different choices.

L. Chris Miller

Andy, I appreciate that you acknowledged that many people throughout the Susan Boyle fandom were hurt and/or felt excluded by the selection process. You have accepted responsibility and have offered to make amends. I want to stress that people are not angry at any of the fortunate fans that attended the M&G and Focus Group. They are very very happy for them. The hurt is due to the selection process.

Susan has an official Twitter, YouTube, FaceBook, and website (and had a forum for a few years). Membership for all of these locations are maintained by SB Reps and/or Management. Admission is available to any and all fans.

Rather than use any official channels, you asked a favor of a member or members of one unofficial fan forum. I have been a member of the SB online community from day 1, and I do not recall Susan ever participating in the official forum. One fan forum (and the management/staff there ) is almost exclusively used to arrange these events.

Perhaps you would consider the following suggestion?

M&G’s and/or Focus Groups can be arranged by Sony/SyCo/Team SuBo via the OFFICIAL venues. This would only require a sign-up form available online that a member can fill out and submit to indicate their willingness (or eagerness) to attend an M&G and/or participate in a focus group.

Whenever the opportunity arises, you can pull names at random or by geography or by any marketing data that you have collected. You could then task a Staff or Member of your site to help you with contacting the names pulled and coordinating the rest.

As this is an automated process that uses existing software/hardware already in place it should be quick and inexpensive to implement.

Figure 1-2 days to program/set-up/test..add a few days/weeks of management discussion to determine what questions to put on this form, of course...LOL.

Less hurt feelings as;

1. All that want to be considered would know how to be considered.
2. All that want to be considered have access to be considered.
3. One unofficial fansite is not favored over any other.
4. The list is managed, controlled, maintained by official Staff.

note: Obviously, this will not eliminate the fact that you are likely to continue asking members that you already know to check the names for anyone that might pose a danger to Susan. A selection process for this type of event cannot be without some subjectivity.

Best Regards,


Will the OS claim that this was a "database glitch?" or that they are simply performing maintenance..which could take some time? The maintenance of the OS forum is still not completed. June 9, 2011 until ?????

Here is the Official facebook post ...
Susan Boyle Hi all, please note Susan's official website is currently offline due to site maintenance. We apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you.June 9 at 3:01pm

Will SBFII management claim that everybody has already seen and had the opportunity to comment on this 'unnecessary' apology anyway, so just move on. That a small group of disgruntled people are the cause of all the trouble?

That 'small group' is not as small as they would have you believe and grows larger with each incident.

One thing you can count on hearing from some at SBFII. 'Real Susan Boyle fans' would never complain about anything, because it might hurt Susan.

Perhaps a 'Real Susan Boyle fan' is one that cares and wants to do something to stop the corruption?